Roundtables for the promotion of peace, the strengthening of the rule of law, the full affirmation of human rights and decent work in Somalia
From 6 to 8 August, three round tables were held with the participation of institutions and civil society to discuss decent work, human rights and the rule of law as key ingredients for building peace paths.
Organized by FESTU (Federation of Somali Trade Unions), the multi-stakeholder roundtables involved various representatives of institutions, civil society and trade unions.
As stated by Omar Faruk Osman, Secretary General of FESTU, who introduced the first round table “decent work, peace and human rights are intrinsically linked. One cannot exist without the other”. Three key ingredients for building lasting peace and post-conflict sustainable development in Somalia.
The first roundtable was also chaired by Dr. Mohamed Elmi, Minister of Labor and Social Affairs of Somalia (MoLSA).
The round tables are preparatory and important for gathering points of view, experiences, sensitivities and needs from various points of view in order to develop a manual of shared guidelines on the implementation of the ILO Conventions by the Federal Government of Somalia and the related good practices activated (Tripartite Consultation/Social Dialogue no. 144, elimination of violence and harassment in the world of work no. 190 and Health and Safety in the workplace no. 187 and 155).
A guidance document that will analyze tools and good practices of social protection, pathways for health and safety in the workplace and against violence/harassment in the workplace as well as practices to increase wage equality, recognition and promotion of women also at management level.