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Photo Contest "Decent and Inclusive Work"

Discover the winning photos

Somali National Section
Marco Palombi

International Section
Michele Lapini

2nd place
International Section
Ibrahim Mbengue

3rd place (tie)
International Section
Emanuel Favalli

3rd place (tie)
International Section
Louis Curti

5th place
International Section
Michael Lapini

6th place
International Section
Silvio Gordini

Country context and decent work, rights, inclusive growth, social dialogue and Peace. Support the transition to formalisation of economic activities in the fishing, textile and small trade sectors.

Trainings on labour rights, decent work and against labour exploitation, transition to formal work of micro and small enterprises, promotion and peace building addressed to civil society, community leaders, Trade Union representatives/members and entrepreneur/ representatives of employer associations. May 2023

Trainings addressed to trade Union representatives/members

Training aimed at entrepreneurs/representatives of employers' associations

Trainings addressed to civil society and community leaders

Capacity building for representatives of institutions and policy makers. Planning and promotion of sustainable economic growth and decent work for all, with a focus on informal workers in micro and small enterprises and their transition to formal and sustainable work. May 2023

Multi-stakeholder roundtables for promoting peace, strengthening the rule of law, full human rights and decent work in Somalia. August 2023