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What does decent and inclusive work mean?

We would like your point of view through this national and international photography competition to reflect together and create a calendar that will be released in 2025. The photographs will be used to explore a theme that is important to us: from scenes of urban life, to portraits, telling the story of challenges overcome or opportunities created in the workplace. The national and international aspects of the competition are intended to capture a unique look at the working conditions of Somali workers and those from other cultures, and the ways in which labor rights intertwine with the social and professional aspects of everyday life. Through the visual exploration of workers’ conditions we hope to raise awareness and celebrate the universal value of decent and inclusive work that unites us all.

Choose how to send us your works and the participation form:

1 – Fill in the form on the side and send online


2 – Fill in and send by email

Download the 2 following forms, fill them in and send them together with the photographs and texts (optional) by email to:
Who can participate:
the competition is open to all adults, professionals and non-professionals, of any nationality.
Participation fee: free
Deadline for sending works: September 30, 2024
2:00 p.m. – Italy / 3:00 p.m. – Somalia
Participation methods
Are provided 2 sections: one international and one national Somali.
Those submitting photographs taken in Somalia can participate in both sections.
  • Competitors can send up to a maximum of 4 photographs per section.
  • For each photograph, it is optional and preferable to send a text of a maximum of 650 characters (including spaces) that accompanies the images, also explaining how the proposals respond to the theme of the competition.
  • The title, place, year of the shot and which section to participate in must be indicated.
  • Format of the photographs in jpg. Dimensions: from 1500 to 2000 pixels on the long side.
  • The file name it must be composed as follows: title of the image + progressive number_by nickname of the author.jpg (e.g.: lavoro2_byJX.jpg).
  • The participation form must be attached, duly completed.
Reason for exclusion
Processes with racist content and/or vulgar language will not be taken into consideration. Works carried out with the use of artificial intelligence are excluded.
the photographs sent and selected will be used to create promotional and/or communication and visibility for the Project, including a calendar.
6 photographs per section will be awarded, with photographic and/or IT equipment.
The winners will be notified by email by October 31, 2024.The results of the competition will be published on the websites
There awards ceremony for both sections will be held in Mogadishu (Somalia) in December 2024 with the possibility of participating via video conference.
Those who cannot be physically present will receive the prize via courier.
The selection of the images and the choice of the awarded images will be carried out by a jury chaired by:
Annalisa Vandelli, Photojournalist and Writer
Omar Faruk Osman Nur, FESTU General Secretary and President of the African Federation of Journalists
and composed of:
Fiorella Prodi, President of Nexus Emilia Romagna ETS
Mabel Grossi, CGIL European and International Policies Department
Alfredo Cavaliere, Editor Editrice Socialmente Srl
The decision of the Jury is final and unappealable.
Participation in the competition implies full acceptance of these rules.
Download the competition brochureDownload the joint ownership agreement

Entry form for the decent and inclusive work competition

"*" indicates mandatory fields

First name*
Nickname (as per jpg file)*

You can participate in one or both sections of the Competition

Upload photos here International Section Each image / file can be associated with a text of up to 650 characters (including spaces). It is mandatory to indicate the year and place where it was taken.
Accepted file types: jpg, Max. file size: 2 MB.
Accepted file types: jpg, Max. file size: 2 MB.
Accepted file types: jpg, Max. file size: 2 MB.
Accepted file types: jpg, Max. file size: 2 MB.
Upload photos here National Section Somalia Each image / file can be associated with a text of up to 650 characters (including spaces). It is mandatory to indicate the year and place where it was taken.
Accepted file types: jpg, Max. file size: 2 MB.
Accepted file types: jpg, Max. file size: 2 MB.
Accepted file types: jpg, Max. file size: 2 MB.
Accepted file types: jpg, Max. file size: 2 MB.
Right to use photographs*
Right to use people portrayed*
Rights to participate in the competition*